The Student Basic Needs Coalition is excited to welcome Sara Goldrick-Rab as our newest Board Member.
Sara Goldrick-Rab is the founder of #RealCollege, the Wisconsin HOPE Lab, and the Hope Center for College, Community, and Justice. With two decades of experience in research, teaching, and advocacy, she brings a deep understanding of the higher education landscape.
“The college basic needs security movement was created because students advocated for recognition as humans first.” Sara explained. “I decided to join SBNC because it was created by students for students at the sorts of state universities often overlooked by media and policymakers, and its leaders are focused on sustainable and impactful solutions-oriented strategies. I look forward to supporting their critical work.”
Student Basic Needs Coalition is dedicated to uplifting authentic student leadership and ensuring student voices are centered in the fight for affordable higher education. The organization began not at elite colleges, but with students at University of Tennessee and North Carolina State University who knew there had to be a better way to impact the future for their peers. In line with this, Paige Swanson, Co-Founder and Executive Director of SBNC, remarked that “we are thrilled to have someone on our team who has centered students throughout her entire career. I know that Sara’s guidance will help take our organization to the next level.”
Learn more about our full team here.